
“Homesh” settlers carry out an assault on a Palestinian park in Burqa /Nablus governorate

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Violation: sabotaging and destroying a park.

Location: Burqa / Nablus governorate.

Date: November 20 -2018.

Perpetrator: “Homesh” evicted settlement.

Victim: Ahmad Ferouneyeh.


In November 20 , 2018 , Settlers from “Homesh” evicted settlement, raided Burqa village, carrying heavy tools then sabotaged and destroyed properties of a Park belong to Ahmad Ferouneyeh.

Affected villager told LRC observer:

“At the middle of the night I heard smashing sounds in the Park, I headed there with some of my neighbors, but the settlers ran away once they heard us coming.

When we entered the park it turned out that they destroyed a water network and the kitchen’s cupboard, crashed tables and chairs, cut electricity cables and stole an electricity generator (6600 watts) cost (1650 $), Then they drew “Star of David” that they consider their signature on the wall before they withdrew.”

Affected farmer said that members from the “Israeli Cooperation of government activities in the territories” showed up, wrote a report about the attack and took my number.

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A view of the Park after the attack

Gangsters of such type are reported taught the ideology of leftism in Israeli religious groups. "Hatred for Arabs" and "kill them all" are some of their slogans.

In spite of all the complaints charged through Palestinian cooperation to the Israeli government, the last party did not do anything to stop these assaults.

About Burqa[1]:

It is located 17km to the northwest of Nablus city and is linked to it through the 3.5km Nablus-Jenin road. The village is 450m above sea level and has a total area of 18,174 dunums, of which 506 are considered the built-up are. Administratively, the village follows Nablus Municipality and is run by a village council.

Burqa is edged by Yasid and Beit Imrin villages from the east, Sabastiya from the south, Bizzariya and Ramin from the west and Atara from the north.

According to the census of 2017, Burqa populates 4152 residents.

The village witnessed the establishment of Homesh colony on confiscated lands in 1980. The colony was evacuated in 2004 but 4000 dunums are still considered as "closed military zone" by the occupation

Oslo agreement divided the town to 3 Parts:

  • A area (4796) dunums.
  • B area (5131) dunums.
  • C area (8247) dunums.

The Evicted Colony of Homesh:

The colony was established in 1980 on the boundary between the Nablus and Jenin governorates on the expense of the village of Barqa. It was built atop Parcel 6 of Jabal Al Dohoor on land pieces number 1 through 22. Until 2005, the colony had confiscated 1050 dunums of which 157 were its built-up area. Upon its eviction, there were 181 colonists living in the colony’s houses and 10 mobile caravans. In addition, there were around 4,000 dunums surrounding the colony that were considered to be a buffer zone to which Palestinians were prevented from entering or using for any purposes.


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